Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Caprese Parmesan Chicken

I have been experimenting with Almond Flour (meal) lately using it in place of breadcrumbs. Just cutting out extra carbs and wheat when I can. The taste is great and you still get that crunchy texture. It's basically just ground up almonds.  The uses seem unending really - I've even made pizza crust out of them.

My mom told me about this recipe.  She had it at a local restaurant and thought it was delicious and wanted to recreate it.  So that's what we did.  As you can see, it is fresh, colorful and basically a one dish meal.  You get it all in this dish.  A nice bright salad as well as flavorful, crunchy chicken in every bite.  These flavors and textures go really nicely together and form a really refreshing dish. 

If you don't want to use almond meal, you can make it the typical way which is with flour.  Just coat the chicken in flour first, then egg and then Parmesan.  Really good.   I recommend you pound the chicken so that it's all the same thickness.  It cooks quicker and you don't have to worry about it not being cooked through which leaves it more tender and juicy. Just cover it with plastic wrap and pound it with a heavy pan or a meat mallet.  

Caprese Parmesan Chicken

3 chicken breasts pounded thin  
2 cups almond meal or fine bread crumbs
1 cup finely grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
2 eggs, beaten
salt and pepper
4 tablespoons canola oil
3 cups of arugula or 1/2 bag, washed and dried
1/2 cup basil, chopped
1 lemon, juiced
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons coconut oil
16 cherry tomatoes or 1 large tomato, cut in 1 inch cubes
8 oz fresh mozzarella or 8 bocconcini, cut in cubes
Fresh Parmesan

Season each chicken breast with salt and pepper.  In a large flat bowl, mix Parmesan with almond meal.  Dip each chicken breast first in the egg and then in the parmesan mixture - coating each well.  Set aside.  

Add the arugula and basil to a large bowl. To make the dressing for the arugula, mix lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Wait and add the dressing to the arugula at the last minute so it stays nice and crisp.  

Heat 2 T. coconut oil in a large skillet.  When hot, add chicken breasts. Cook until cooked through and browned on both sides. 

Add just enough dressing to salad to coat leaves. Add salt and pepper and toss. 

Put one chicken breast on a plate. Top with dressed arugula/basil, tomatoes, mozzerella and grate some fresh parmesan on top.  Serves 4-6.



Medifast Coupons said... Best Blogger Tips

Great sounding chicken parmesan, looks really good. Love your ingredient list, thanks for sharing, can't wait to impress the family.

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