Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wow your guests (& friends)

I know everyone is crazy busy right now. I was in a store yesterday returning a few things and I piled my stuff on the counter and handed the lady my credit card. It was so busy we didn't even look at each other. Suddenly she says, "Oh hi. How are you?" I laughed and said hi back. We joked about how everyone is so busy moving a hundred miles an hour that we don't even take a moment to say hi or smile. It just reminded me to slow down, to be courteous and be aware. Otherwise what is Christmas all about. So if you can, hit pause, take a breather, refocus so that you can enjoy some of the holiday season too. And if not, just smile and fake it. :-)

This recipe brings back fond memories from my childhood as my mom made these Olive and Cheese Crostini's from time to time. With my dad being in the military, my mom swapped a lot of recipes with fellow military wives. Many recipes come from cherished squadron cookbooks that contain favorite recipes from everyone in the squadron. These cookbooks are like gold as they contain some of the best recipes. This is one of them. 

I'm really serious when I say this recipe will impress your guests. Just one bite and they'll be hooked. But don't wait for a special occasion to make them. They are great as a snack or for lunch. They might not look that good or sound that delicious but trust me, they are one of my favorites. It makes for a "you can't eat just one" perfect holiday recipe. Not to mention, they're easy to make.

Olive and Cheese Crostini  

1 small can chopped black olives
1/2 stick butter, room temperature
2 1/2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 stalk green onion, chopped fine
1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, grated
1 loaf french bread or Filone bread (this is what I used), slice 1/2 inch thick

Preheat your broiler to low. Mix all the ingredients together in a small bowl. Spread about a tablespoon on each slice of bread. Place on a cookie sheet. Place under broiler and watch really closely so they don't burn. Once they are bubbly and slightly browned, take out the oven and let cool. Really good warm but tasty anyway you want to eat them. If you want them to look really pretty, sprinkle some chopped parsley over the top before serving. 

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